Each day, free storage media such as Megaupload, Rapidshare or Mediafire are being used more in contrary to the P2P networks that little by little are losing terrain because of the laws against their use.
Because of this it's quite common to encounter various links to download files that if they would be activated all together they would use a high percentage of the broadband connection.
Keeping this growth in mind and attending to the needs of the users RDesc has been developed. It's an effective application that makes it possible to automatically download files from various media and without the need to insert the captcha in case it's necessary.
RDesc allows simultaneous downloads from the following media: Rapidshare.com, Megaupload, Mediafire, 4Shared, Easy-Share, Gigasize, HotFile, DepositFiles, zShare and NetLoad.
Among the remarkable options of the program, you can also find the possibility to access all the links of a webpage by just entering the specific URL (very useful to download the different parts of one file). Furthermore, the program has a function to shut down the computer when all the downloads have finished.
Well, the program is cool, it works nicely, although compared to Jdownloader it still has room for improvement. However, it is a very good alternative.
Here you have the best download managers and I am struggling. This manager is very good. Thank you very much, friends.